• How to mass Calculate Std Costs for Parent items when a child std cost used in many BOM's is changed.

    If I have an ingredient that changed costs (Std Cost) and it is also a component in many Intermediate BOMs and then those BOM's in many Finished Good BOMs - is there a way to calculate the costs on all the BOM's that are touched by that cost change…
  • Sage X3 BOM and MRP

    We have requirement that customer is having multiple BOMs for the same product during the year. When running MRP will Sage X3 be able to pick the right BOM's based and provide the requirements considering the Start Dates and End dates. Is there any possibility…
  • Operation Loss

    I have a manufacturing operation that runs a loss every time I execute it. Where can I factor such loss. The loss is in product quantity not on routing time. Any ideas? Thank you
  • Allow recursive BOM

    Is it possible to allow recursive Boms? In another mean Have the output item the same as input item. thanks
  • BOM Mass deletion

    Is anyone aware of way to mass delete BOMS?
  • What is a business use case for Phantom products and Phantom product boms?

    I have not been able to find a lot of training on this topic. The documentation makes mention of it, but I'm curious what "real world" uses there are for phantom products, and boms that are associated to phantom products.
  • How Can I mass update a field for BOMs

    One of the department is hoping to update Boms in relation to a particular field. That field is scrap on the BOM. I have access to SQL. But Before I do anything I wanted to know how others have done it or what would be the best practice.