• TimeSlips 2014 LAW_FIRM_ID field

    Where in TimeSlips 2014 do I change the field that populates field 20 LAW_FIRM_ID in the LEDES1998B file? It is being populated incorrectly, and I cannot find the origin of this incorrect data.
  • LEDES Oversight Committee Survey

    The LEDES Oversight Committee has issued a survey here: www.surveymonkey.com/.../LOC-EB-Disruption I encourage all of you who ebill using LEDES to go and fill out the survey so that solo and small firms will be represented. Too often the committee only…
  • Audit House - LEDES Basic Guide

    Hello, Does anyone know where I can find a basic guide in regards to the Audit House feature and/or LEDES in 2015 Sage Timeslips? It doesn't have to be too specific; anything would help at this point. (Basic setup, how to enter time/expense slips, etc…