• stapling forms

    Hi All, I have a client that wants to print Work Order Travelers and have the printer staple each traveler together. I know that "normal" printing will not do this and work require that each one be printed as a separate job. But I am wondering if turning…
  • nProcessReport returns Nothing

    Hi, I have the code below for automatic registration/update of the inventory register transactions. In the nProcessReport part, my return is always Nothing. I'm encountering same issue on Sage 100 2018 and 2020 oSSRegister.nSetProgram(oSSRegister…
  • Error code 30 PDF Terminal Server

    We continue to get "error code 30 printer not activated" on a terminal server 2018, WIN 10. We have manually installed the PDF converter with all boxes checked, and ran Regedit on HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software. We've turned off UAC and all users have read…
  • Invalid or missing posting date encountered on Bill of Materials transaction update

    Hi, I've been working on automatic registration of transactions for Bill of materials. but I've been encoutering this issue for a couple of days now. its been throwing me an error that says "Invalid or missing posting date encountered" I opted…
  • Upgraded Sage 100 2015 to 100 2018 Advanced

    Hi Super Heroes, 1. we used TCP 9500 as the port id, and it is working fine after we disabled the firewall for domain users. What other ports do we need to open other than the 9500, because after i opened 9500 inbound and outbound, server pop up with…
  • Printer suggestion and printing setup suggestions to print checks?

    I'd appreciate a suggestion for a printer and printing setup to print checks. We are using Sage 100. We currently hand write checks and only write about 10-20 checks per month. Should we get pre-printed checks with numbers, or no numbers? Check, stub…
  • Script to Export SO

    I'm working on a button script ("Execute on Server" selected, MAS 200) that will export a PDF of a Sales Order to a specific location without prompting the user. I'm running into some strange issues and was hoping someone has seen some of these things…
  • Task Scheduler - Unable to select Deferred printer

    I have a Task Scheduler job set up to run daily to run Visual Integrator jobs to export files. This works just fine. However, the Task Scheduler defaults to print the log to Microsoft Print to PDF. Every day when this task runs, a window pops up to save…