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  • Home Warehouse

    Hi, I honestly cant remember, if you are using multi-locations can you remove the "home" warehouse? Cheers in advance Toby
  • How to delete multiple bin locations

    Hi there, I trust you are well. I recently implemented multiple bin locations with levels, using the video here: However, this process ended up creating a whole range of superfluous locations, which I want to delete. …
  • Product is in stock with 0 quantity, location shows a quantity with no product

    Hi there. There seems to be a de-synchronization between the product and its location. The product shows null quantity in the location. The location shows a quantity (59) but a null product and is "empty" Misc. issue and receipt is also messed…
  • Set replenishment rule

    Hi all, I'm trying to set a replenishment rule on a location from another one. We have raw materials in let's say Site: S01, loc type: MAN, location: RM00. We would like to set replenishment rules on this location from another one from the same site…
  • Avoid automatic allocation from specific location or location type

    Hello, We hace some specifics locations with the same location type. Is it posiible avoid the automatic allocation in these locarions. The allocation rules, use location filter based in product-site default location, but it not restrict. I can try…
  • Inventory Replenishment

    Has anyone out there started using Sage X3 inventory replenishment functions from scratch. We are not using this function in any way at the current time, but we would like to start investigating it. Does anyone have any advice or overall tips to point…
  • Inventory Default Location

    Can you make an inventory location the default? We only have one inventory location but must select it or type it in for various transactions. It would be easier if we could default it. Is there a setting somewhere I am missing? Thanks!
  • change the import of a file to another endpoint folder

    Hello I created an import template, which works great in one endpoint. However, when this import went well, I want to move the file to another folder (another endpoint).
  • Changing the FIFO dates in X3. Manually.

    Currently when product is received into X3 to any location it is tagged with a receipt date. This is the date that travels with the product and drives the FIFO order for each product. Is there a way to manually FIFO inventory to give more versatility…
  • Using/Understanding FIFO

    It seems that X3 defaults to some form of FIFO. Is there any documentation that goes into detail how to control this feature? A specific example of what we are trying to do that relates to full pallet product pulling. We have X3 set up to pull full…
  • WRH Activity code for Warehouses - Implementation Question

    After I turn on the WRH activity code, it allowed us to create a warehouse under our site. My question though, is do I have to create all new location numbers to be under that warehouse, or can I update the existing location numbers with a warehouse…
  • Location Special Characters

    Hi everyone, I am currently facing a problem with X3, and I'd like to clarify this with you. I would like to know if its possible for the location to have special characters as "-", It is really important and urgent. I'd like to know what are…
  • Caracteres Especiais em Localizações

    Bom dia a todos, Gostava de obter umas informações sobre o Sage X3 . Em relação às localizações gostava de saber se existe alguma possibilidade de colocar caracteres especiais, neste caso hífen "-", e que implicações isso poderia trazer. Obrigado…
  • Slow network startup

    We recently moved our data from a Windows 7 workgroup based network to a Server 2012 installation. The software now takes nearly ten minutes to load, but runs normal (or close enough that I cannot differentiate) once loaded. Ran through Sage troubleshooting…
  • Deleting Inventory Locations

    We have recently reworked our warehouse and assigned new locations for inventory. Is there a way to delete the old, no longer used, locations?