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  • Show Action when condition is meet

    Hi all, I am creating a workflow. in my workflow, I want to have a condition before proceed to the next action. Based on this condition, I will show/hide the next action. for example: if Lead company is match (Lead_CompanyMatch='Y'), show action…
  • Table Script Common Functions File

    I'm sure that it is possible to create a common server side JavaScript file for table script functions but I can find no reference to this. Does anyone know how to do this? I thought there was a system parameter for this but I can't find it. At the…
  • Hide field unless user id is one of x, y, z

    There is a field that people should be able to complete when adding a new company, but not able to change / view when on the change menu unless they are one of four people. We thought an On Change script would work for this and have tried the below…
  • CRM Create Script - change the default value based on an IF statement

    I've been scratching my head on this one for the past couple of days and wonder if anyone can help? I've seen a couple of similar queries here but when I've tried to implement the results I've not had any luck. I'm trying to set the default value of…
  • Sage CRM Opportunity Custom Content - Get current workflow ID

    I'm preparing to migrate our opportunity workflow to a new one, and need to include a bit of javascript in the screens custom content to hide/show some fields based on the workflow the opportunity is following. I have no issue with the hide/show part…
  • Window Alert for Address

    I have a situation where we want a window alert to display when creating a new company/address when the country is Saudi Arabia. The alert would be something to the affect of "Please confirmation additional taxes needed on quotes/orders". This popup could…
  • Having issues with OnChange Scripts

    I've been trying solutions recommended by similar posts on the forums, verifying to the best of my knowledge that my Javascript syntax is correct, and I'm still having issues. I'm trying to display a field "Duration of Rental" only if the Opportunity…
  • sage 300 sdk with node js

    can we integrate sage 300 SDK with node js?
  • CreateScript to update a field value before load

    I've written a CreateScript that interrogates a value in a date field on the page to see if it is less than the current system date. If it is, the value of another field from the same page is updated in the database. This is working fine but I want to…
  • Problème d'authentification web service java avec X3 V11

    Actuellement, je rencontre un problème au niveau de la mise en place d'un web service java avec sage V11 dont un problème de refus d'authentification se manifeste. Pouvez vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème. Merci
  • Currency information refresh, when updating table

    Hello, I am running a script that updates the currency table in my database daily with the new exchange rates. Via js-script I am performing a metadata update with "CRM.refreshMetadata()" to pass the information to the screens. Through the logs I can…
  • How to use an onChange Script on a Selection list or another field to set a caption of another field?

    How can I change the caption of an field in a scree by using onChange of another field or a selection list? I have tried following code but din't work. if(this.value == 'value1'){ //alert('hahaha'); field_id.Caption = 'value2'; }
  • Dynamic Selection Lists - Rework

    This post is a revamp post on how to manage linked selection lists (drop downs) in Sage CRM. This was posted before on the CRM community here -…
  • Convert Sage CRM date to a JavaScript date

    Have you ever come across a date in CRM that you want to add a month or a day perhaps, but when you try doing that JavaScript gives you an error, perhaps Invalid Date, or the month gets read as a day and day as a month. Certain regions use certain date…
  • Advanced territory management – Part 2 – Alphabetically Ordering Territories

    This is the second part of a two part tutorial. You do not need to follow on part 1 for part two to make sense. Part 2 is considered more advanced and should be treated as such as you need to be familiar with CRM's JavaScript classes and functions. …
  • Identifying and controlling buttons by image names in the interface.

    The client side API allows us to remove buttons from the screen. Note: The 'name' of the button is case sensitive so that 'executesummaryreport.gif' is not the same as 'ExecuteSummaryReport.gif'. Each button can be identified in the button panel…
  • Hiding a button on a Dedupe Screen in Sage CRM

    A customer had the following requirement. They wanted to be able to hide the 'Ignore Warning and Enter Company' button for all non-administration users when dedupe was turned on and when Sage CRM flags that the user is entering a duplicate company. The…
  • Using a Website gadget to include a custom script page in an Interactive Dashboard

    Sage CRM has a wide range of different gadget types that can be included in the Interactive Dashboard. Below you can see that I have created a custom Dashboard which includes List Gadgets, Chart Gadgets and a Record Summary Gadget. There is also a custom…
  • Visual Studio snippets available for partners to download

    If you work with Visual Studio then a library of snippets has been added to the General Development Resources folder that is available to all partners within the community. This is a resource that will prove very useful for you when customising the Sales…
  • Performing arithmetic functions on Currency fields within the browser (Adding fields and creating a total).

    A customer had a requirement to sum the value of two currency fields and place the calculated total in a third field. See the image below. The three new fields in my example are oppo_licensevalueestimate oppo_servicevalueestimate oppo_totalvalueestimate…
  • The Client Side API in Sage CRM: A round up of articles.

    There are several articles that show the use of the Client Side API. I hope this is a valuable reference that brings everything together. See There are some Drop-in Demo Code examples of business rules that can be implemented in Sage CRM using the…
  • Using an External Script file to add event code to a field.

    A customer had the requirement to place some rules on the company name field to discourage users from entering characters that were not allowed in business names. Which special characters may be used in a business name will differ between countries…
  • Creating a compound filter (filterWhere) using the Client Side API

    This article is about the client side API. Specifically this article is concerned with how to write a script to handle the information within a grid and then apply an action to the cells, row or columns of the grid where more than one criteria is needed…
  • The eWareQuery Object: A warning.

    I was going to call this a 'warning from history' but as you read the rest of the article you may realise that the 'updateddate' may never have been filled in. The eWareQuery object is a fantastically useful tool for on-premise developers to use in…
  • Hiding Panels in System Screens in Sage CRM

    Screens like the Opportunity Summary, Case Summary and Company Summary page are divided into different panels. Much of the page layout in the current version is controlled by HTML Tables. CSS styles are used to format the display of the tables and their…