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  • Positive Pay Export for Union Bank

    Has anyone created a Positive Pay Export for Union Bank or any bank that requires the detail record to be on two separate lines? Here's a sample of the output file Sample data transmission payee positive pay Input format 908123456700002000720312070000029375…
  • Why can not see bank balance?

    There is only one bank code on my Sage 100. Cash receivables and payables have been recorded on the system and I did bank reconciliation. But I do not see any balance of cash receivables on the GL balance sheet. I would be grateful if someone…
  • Deleting a deposit in Bank Rec after its been marked cleared

    Sage 100 ERP Having trouble getting my Bank Rec balance to match up with the GL balance. As far as my eye can see everything seems to match. But obviously there is something off on one of the sides that I cannot locate. I am starting to think that perhaps…