• Fixed Assets - Change holding type

    Hi all, An asset was wrongfully created with 'Template' as holding type and the status of context is showing the calculation red because of it. Changing the accounting posting does not work because of the holding type chosen originally - it gives…
  • Changing the FIFO dates in X3. Manually.

    Currently when product is received into X3 to any location it is tagged with a receipt date. This is the date that travels with the product and drives the FIFO order for each product. Is there a way to manually FIFO inventory to give more versatility…
  • Fixed assets error : "Operation impossible. The ""fiscal & accounting"" context of the company must have been defined beforehand"

    Operation impossible. The ""fiscal & accounting"" context of the company must have been defined beforehand
  • Fixed Assets inventory

    Hi, In v6.5 i had GESIOP and GESIPA functions to make inventory of Fixed Assets Management. In v7u9 and v11 versions, it seems those functions are not available . Basic functions of Fixed Assets Modules are still there, my question is about inventory…