• IN THE WILD VOL 10:. To form a more perfect union (or HRMS Globabl reporting available in 10.5).

    GREETING SAGE CITIZENS. Today I am EXCITED to discuss this new topic. This isn't one of those cases where I work for SAGE so I have to be excited about everything. This is one of those cases that if I were with a channel partner or a direct customer…
  • IN THE WILD: VOL9. Don't wait. aggregate!! (or I'm running out of clever titles). how to effectively leverage SQL syntax against HRMS PR data to get useful totals.

    Greetings Sage Citizens. It would appear no one wanted to talk about the walking dead season finale cliffhanger or any other series so we will go right into the technicals. The focus of today’s rant is going to be back end level and will be a discussion…