• Sage Estimating Training

    We have had some employee turnover and we're looking for training onsite, remote or recorded specifically relating to Sage 300 CRE Job Cost and Estimating integration and use. We've contacted our sage partner and they have responded, although we're…
  • Estimating Assemblies

    How do you make one time assembly containing a one time item in it and saving it to the estimate only? Thank you
  • Calculate a project duration

    How to calculate a project duration in totals page? Is there a certain "Add-On"? Looking for some pointers, thank you in advance!!
  • Sage estimating and etakeoff

    Hello Everyone, I'm a new user for both etakeoff dimension and sage estimating. As and educator, we use the software as part of a classroom setup. Students will perform takeoff using dimension and transfer data through bridge to Sage estimating. For…
  • Adjusting labor productivity

    When adjusting the labor productivity by a percentage, the final result is greater that the original adjustment. Why is this happening?
  • Deleting an assembly

    What if any are the ramifications of deleting an assembly? I am not certain if both of the assemblies have been used or not. We are 17.13 SQL version. Thanks.