• Vendor Reporting YTD LY Results

    How can we do a report to show how much money we spend with each vendor for last year?
  • No currency format in Maintain O/E forms

    Under the Order Entry Module I was redesigning a sales order to use for a commercial invoice. After creating a db calculation it would only display the number with no decimal places unless there happened to be cents in the calculated answer. I wanted…
  • Reporting upgrades made to newer version of Business works

    My company is currently running BW 2013. We are upgrading our operating systems and a number of other customer databases that we use and we want to do the same with business works. Our biggest issue with the current version is its inability to drill down…
  • Employee List Reports

    I am customizing the Employee 401K List Report (it has been renamed but no fields have been deleted, just made invisible) and I am having trouble with adding a database field for selection. I get the message "The SQL statement that you have provided is…