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  • Return UDF Descriptions

    I am trying to find a way to return the description of a UDF using SQL. I am currently using the following: Select * FROM JT_Employee But I need to bring forward the descriptions of the UDF's. So for example, "UDF_F_Name" would return "Employee…
  • What CRM User to use during Sage Premium setup?

    During the Sage Premium setup, it asked for a SageCRM user and I have always used the sa user with no issues. Can I set up a different user and what rights does that new user need to have to work properly? Are there written instructions to do this?
  • Connection to Sage Data with postgresql fails

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Using Sage 100cloud Standard. My company uses Access to query Sage data. This works well, but I'd like to run more advanced and rapid queries. My system administrator has allowed me to install Postgresql on my computer…
  • Need help with Taxable vs Nontaxable discounts on invoices.

    Hello, We are trying to set up an invoice report for a 3rd party company to help us manage our taxes. They require that we put taxable amounts on one row, and non taxable amounts on another row per invoice as we have some invoices that have both taxable…
  • Populate Date Using SQL Trigger

    My company produces orders using Sage 100 and CRM. The opportunity follows a workflow right up until it is finished, but stops before the customer is billed. Billing is done exclusively in Sage. We have a SQL trigger set up that will change the stage…
  • The Journal Table

    I was tempted to start a new series of articles called " Mysterious Tables of Sage CRM " but since this is supposed to be a sensible library of "Hints, Tips and Tricks" I have resisted. Nevertheless, there are a few tables in the Sage CRM database that…
  • Sales Order History files not created?

    Hello, We had something strange happen once last week, and now once again today. We had an order which was not acceessible through Sales Order and Quote History, so accounting contacted me. After checking our database, I noticed that there was no…
  • Need help getting "Invoice History Printing" data in SQL database.

    Hello, I'm working on a project and I need to be able to pull the same information the "Invoice History Printing" report pulls for a date. For my selected date, in our database we have about 3,000 invoices. The report, however, only pulls about 140…
  • Information on fields from Wrk tables? Needed for Knowledge Sync.

    Hello, I'm looking to re-create a Crystal report so that it can be run by Knowledge Sync. I initially wanted to just use the report provided by SAGE, but it looks like I can't use this report as the information the SAGE report pulls is only generated…
  • SQL Table for batch history? AKA Batches not located in GL_CompanyActiveBatch?

    Hello, I am creating a report for our accounting department which shows all A/P batches that either remain open, or were created today. I have the first part, where I can pull up all active batches through GL_CompanyActiveBatch. However, I am having…
  • manuell structure database

    Hi; Please someone can help me ; i need a manuell of structure database SAGE 100 ; thnks!
  • Sy_ActivityLog not showing CompanyCode field.

    Hello, I am trying to do a SQL query to see which users have had activity on a specific company ABC by doing a SQL query on the SY_ActivityLog table. When I do a query where CompanyCode = 'ABC', I get MOST of the users that have had activity on ABC…