Error 70: Permission Denied


Seems like there is a software problem when trying to upgrade a company from V12.1.6 to V19.  When you open the V12 company in V19, it wants to do the upgrade and then eventually gives the Error 70.

Have bypassed this problem for now by first upgrading company to V14.2.2 and then to V19.


Erenst Cronje

Krystal IT Solutions

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Erenst

    We have logged the issue and the log number is PPA-1030. The issue will be fixed on the next release. The error usually occurs when trying to update the file ACCYDLNK.DAT. You might also get the error when updating from Version 14 or Version 17 where client was using Bank Feeds.


    Delete ACCYDLNK.DAT before opening the Version 12 data. If you were using Yodlee, it won't matter since Yodlee has been discontinued on Version 19 and you have to set up Bank Feeds again in Version 19. If you were not using Yodlee, it’s not an issue either.
