Change Order Detail Report/Inquiry

Looking for a report or inquiry that provides the detail data below. Any suggestions?

Job # CO # Cost Code Category Units Price Total Price Cost Total Cost
  • 0

    PJ-Reports-Change Order-CO Log with Detail (CR) is run by job and has everything but the units and the category. It only shows the category for the add-ons (fee, insurance, sales tax) that are shown at the bottom. 

    The PJ-Inquiry-CO Log will show you the CO#, Date, Desc, Total Cost, Total Price, Markup Percent, and Status. You can drill down on each CO to see the CR's associated with the CO and from there you can drill down on each CR to see the cost code and units. But, again, the category column is blank. I believe the category is blank because each cost code can have amounts in more than one category.

  • 0

    PJ-Reports-Change Order-CO Log with Detail (CR) is run by job and has everything but the units and the category. It only shows the category for the add-ons (fee, insurance, sales tax) that are shown at the bottom. 

    The PJ-Inquiry-CO Log will show you the CO#, Date, Desc, Total Cost, Total Price, Markup Percent, and Status. You can drill down on each CO to see the CR's associated with the CO and from there you can drill down on each CR to see the cost code and units. But, again, the category column is blank. I believe the category is blank because each cost code can have amounts in more than one category.

  • 0 in reply to kaysong70

    Thank you. I really need easy access to the detail data. It's there somewhere. Just need to find out how.

  • 0 in reply to bseguin

    If you have Inquiry Designer, you can add all of the category columns to the CO Log inquiry at the CR detail level. Each type of cost has a Category, Quantity, Units of Measure, Price per Unit, Price, Cost per Unit, and Cost fields that you can insert.

    i.e. Labor Category, Labor Quantity, Labor Units of Measure, Labor Price per Unit, Labor Price, Labor Cost per Unit, Labor Cost, Material Category, Material Quantity, etc.

  • 0 in reply to kaysong70

    Thank you. I used Inquiry Designer following your instructions, drilled down and now see the fields are available. My ignorance, but can that inquiry view be saved so that other users can quickly access the inquiry and get to that view?

  • 0 in reply to bseguin

    Go to Inquiry Designer-Inquiry-Inquiry Manager and select Project Management. A list of all the PJ inquiries will show. Then click on the one you want to change (it will highlight) and then click on [Change...]. In the box that comes up, click on [Define Levels...]. The inquiry will load and look like it does in the menu. Drill down to the level you want to change. Add the columns and when you exit, it will prompt you to save your changes. A lot of times, a view is on multiple inquiries. the prompt will let you change all of the other inquiries that use this view or you can change the name of the view which will only change the CO Log. See screenshot below.