
Deposit slip error

Posted By FormerMember

Hi all, just about ready to throw in the towel here. Complete newbie with no previous experience, replacing a bookkeeper who up and left with no notice. I entered the wrong account number and a check that was supposed to be cash into a deposit slip and then processed it before realizing the error. Step by step instruction to fix this would be a blessing. I read that I could fix it by making general journal entries to correct it but I'm not familiar with that either, hence the request for a breakdown of steps. TIA


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    Deposit slips is one of the few features in the program that does not allow you to correct them.  Before we even try to give you step-by-step instructions or point you to the Knowledgebase article that contains a version of them), we need to know what you are fixing.  You have not told us what is wrong, other than an account number issue.  But is that the account the deposit came from or the account the deposit the amount went to?

    True Step-by-Step instructions means we need to know the account numbers, the date(s) of the deposit transaction, the dollar amounts per account, the customers included in the deposit, the dollar amounts per customer, the invoices paid on each customer payment, the type of payment method for each payment, the date of each payment, etc.  I don't think anyone will want to write up all that for you because that is consulting work.

    So let's just deal with getting some help on the forum and make some assumptions and give you an example.  You will have to fill in the details you have left out so far.

    If you posted a deposit for $1000 that took the money from account 1020 and deposited it to account 1055, but the account that the $1000 should be deposited to is really 1060, then the easiest solution is one general journal entry.

    Open the General Journal module (from the icon on the Classic view or from the Company tab of the Enhanced view of the Home Screen).

    Then the entry should be on the same date as the deposit, indicate in the Source the correct information and in the comment that you are correcting the specific journal entry number eg. Corr J1234 - deposit to wrong account.

    Then the line items should be

    1060   Debit $1000

    1055   Credit          $1000

    And you are done.

    Because the program does not allow you to correct deposit slips, the real method to correct would be posting a general journal entry to reverse the entry you originally did (instead of the one above), reverse all the Receipts included on the deposit, repost all the Receipts, redo the deposit.  My solution above is much simpler, gets the bank balance correct on the correct date and you can hand-write any changes to the deposit slip on it, to validate your audit trail if you need to, referring to the journal entries as required.

    Hope this helps