Dimensions not flowing through from source document

Using one dimension on sales order I want to flow through to all related docs.

1. Enter dimension value in sales order.

2. Run mrp(management by order not by net) and get po or work order suggestion, either case does not matter.

3. Generate purchase order or work order from enterprise planning.

!!!Dimension does not flow into either po or work order.

I have been through default dimension setup in extent and nothing works, If I create a back to back work order from the sales order line the dimensions do flow but that is not what the customer wants to do and does not take care of lower level work orders in the case of multi level boms that need mrp.

The default dims that should be using are MFIAUT, MFMAUT, MFOAUT,

I have them all setup to defulat to source doc, using product or site to get the defualt is not an option because they are a job shop