How to use SEI Application Links to open a function in Sage X3

2 minute read time.

This article gives one detailed and one summary example on how to create an Application Link to use the SEI Link To feature in its web interface to open functions in X3 on specific records. 

It does not cover how to open the Read Only pages in X3 which is covered in the SEI Users Guide.

Overview of process:

  1. X3 Preparation
    1. Decide which function you want to open (If there is an entry transaction, note it as well)
  2. SEI Preparation
    1. Determine which SEI process
    2. Confirm the SEI Process has a column for the field being used to Link To into X3
    3. Confirm field column has a Global Parameter in it, or assign one
    4. Determine worksheet to use
    5. Create the Application Link
  3. SEI Execution
    1. Open Worksheet, applying filters as desired
    2. Example Groups to location column to use Link To
    3. Left click on value
    4. Select Link To
    5. Select Application Link from list
    6. X3 opens to record (log in may be required)

Basic format of Application link:



Note: These steps are from SEI v8.1.0.14 and X3 v11 patch 4

Example #1 -  Sales Order (Detailed)

  1. X3 Preparation
    1. Function = Sales Order (GESSOH) [Sales, Orders, Orders]
    2. Entry Transaction = ALL
  2. SEI Preparation
    1. SEI Process = Invoice Analysis
    2. Field used = SOHNUM_0 from SORDER table
    3. Column Group Heading = Order and Column Heading = Number
    4. Parameter used = OrderNumberSEI Preparation
    5. Create Application link
    6. Tip: Put the core piece of the link string in a text application for easy copy/paste into SEI’s window.
    8. see image comparison between template given above and resulting URL
  3. Administration, Application links, New
    1. Fill in Description (click translation button if using multiple languages)
    2. Paste URL from text application into Link area
    3. Filter for Global Parameter
    4. Drag and Drop Global Parameter at end of URL

    5. Create
  4. SEI Execution
    1. Open Worksheet (Open Order by customer), applying filters as desired
    2. Expand Groups to get to the column to use the Link To command
    3. Left click on value
    4. Select Link To
    5. Select Application Link from list
    6. X3 opens to record (log in may be required)


Example#2 - Purchase Invoice (Summary):

  1. X3 Preparation
  2. Function = Purchase Invoice (GESPIH) [Purchasing, Invoices, Invoices]
  3. Entry Transaction = ALL
  4. SEI Preparation
  5. SEI Process = Purchase Invoices
  6. Field used = NUM_0 from PINVOICE table
  7. Column Group Heading = <blank> and Column Heading = Document no.
  8. Parameter used = DocumentNo
  9. Worksheet = Purchase Invoices
  10. Application Link =$sessions?f=GESPIH~ALL/2//M/@DocumenDoc;


Troubleshooting tips: 

The Application Link doesn’t appear in the Application Links list when I chose Link To

      • The Global Parameter is misspelled
      • The Global Parameter isn’t in the Process

 When opening X3 I receive a “Resource not found” message

    • There is an embedded space in the application link URL
    • The Server’s name isn’t its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
    • There is a spelling mistake in the URL