Excuse me, have you seen my invoice lines?

1 minute read time.

Trying to balance a custom invoicing report and seem to be missing some of the detail lines?

  • While Purchase invoices and BP supplier invoices share the PINVOICE table for header records and Sales invoices and BP customer invoices share the SINVOICE table for headers, they don’t share tables for detail records.
  • The PINVOICE transactions branch off for the details as follows:
    • Purchase invoice details are stored in the PINVOICED (Purchase invoice detail) and PINVOICEV (Costing purchase invoices) tables.
    • BP supplier invoices details are stored in the Supplier invoice lines (BPSINVLIG) table
  • The SINVOICE transactions divide up the detail lines in the following way:
    • Sales invoice details can be found in the SINVOICED (Bill of sale detail) and SINVOICEV (Costing sales invoice) tables.
    • BP Customer details lines can be found in the Customer invoice lines (BPCINVLIG) table.

Now that the details are found, how can you tell which invoice type is stored in the SINVOICE or PINVOICE tables, so you know where to look for the lines?

  • The Source module (ORIMOD) field holds the secret on both header tables.
    • BP supplier invoices and BP customer invoices are “3” for the A/P-A/R accounting module.
    • Purchase invoices have Source module equal to “6” for the Purchasing module.
    • Sales invoices are Source module “5” for the Sales module.