Sage Estimating 18.12 - Variance Report Column Widths

For years we have done variance reports in Timberline/Sage where we "Fit to: 1 Page wide" and use 11 x 17 paper in landscape mode.
Since our upgrade from Pervasive to Sage SQL 17.13 (and subsequently v18.12), we've noticed that any NEW estimates that are part of a variance report cause the text to be very small. It doesn't scale well and seems to use a fixed width column rather than using the space based on the data present in the cell.
If I do a variance report of anything created before Sage SQL 17.13 (created in pervasive then migrated), the text is readable and columns are appropriately sized.
1. Variance report between estimate created in pervasive (migrated to SQL) and estimate created in pervasive (migrated to SQL) - No issue. Column sizing is dynamic and correct -very readable. 
2. Variance report between estimate created in pervasive (migrated to SQL) and estimate created in SQL - No issue. Column sizing is dynamic and correct -very readable. 
3. Variance report between estimate created in pervasive (migrated to SQL) and estimate created in SQL - Issue. Column sizing is static and text becomes excessively small - very unreadable.
Does anyone have a workaround or a fix for this? What is driving the behavior? Fixed width data in new estimates (like padded strings) in SQL or ...?
Thank you.