to deposit an old refund.

I need to deposit an old refund. An invoice with negative amount was posted for this refund in AP in 2017. Now i posted invoice with the same amount to offset this invoice and amount in job cost. Now i've been told to post in JC a credit (2000) for Cash clearing account: DR Cash clearing amount and what to CR? Job cost-material account again? or Bank account? Then i have to deposit a cheque for this amount into Cash clearing account through Cash Management. Please Help

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    I'm having trouble understanding exactly what is going on.

    I assume you are saying that you created a negative invoice in AP back in 2017.  And you received a refund from that vendor now?  I also assume that you still have that negative invoice in your AP system currently?

    I would create an AP invoice for the amount of the refund.  You can use a job account or a clearing account. (this will be a debit)

    Then, I would use the 1-2 Deposits/Interest screen to deposit your refund check.  Use the same account number you used in the previous step (this will be a credit and will cancel out the debit from the previous step).  

    Finally, I would use the 4-3-2 Pay Vendors screen to print a zero dollar check to cancel out the old credit for that vendor.

    The net of today's transactions would be a debit to cash, and a credit to A/P.