Sage 100 Contractor Product Notice 18-C: Tax and software updates for v20.7

1 minute read time.

Notice 18-C was sent today:

What’s new in this update

New in Both Editions

  • You can now choose to include attachments from the original order when you repeat a work order multiple times.

U.S. Edition

  • Tax table changes for Louisiana and North Dakota.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented the 5-1-4-61 State Tax report from printing properly.

For more detailed information about this update, read the version 20.7 Release Notes.

Download and install this update

Important: If you use third-party products that integrate with Sage 100 Contractor, check with your software vendor before upgrading to ensure their product is fully compatible with this release. If you integrate with other Sage products, check with your business partner or Sage to ensure that these components are compatible. Sage does not recommend or support rolling back Sage 100 Contractor to a previous version.

Read How do I upgrade my software and my company data to the most current version of Sage 100 Contractor SQL (v20.x)? for steps on installing the software.

  1. Click the link below to download and install the update:
    Download Sage 100 Contractor 2017 (SQL) version 20.7
  2. If you are prompted to log on, enter your Customer Portal Username and Password, and then click Log on.

Tip: If you installed Sage Advisor Update, you can download v20.7 directly using that application.