More than one left outer join in Crystal 2011

I'm needing to use two left outer joins in a report that use 7 different tables. I get an error when I do make 2 left outer joins.

Both IM_AliasItem and IM_ItemVendor tables will have blanks so I need all my Item codes and whatever the other two tables have empty or not.

                     left outer join / IM_AliasItem  /  AliasItemNo & Type

CI_Item  /  Item Code (in a group)

                     left outer join  /  IM_ItemVendor  /  VendorAliasItemNo

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    The reset worked like a charm! But when i switched from Shared variable to Global my records disappeared. Shared return 1 record. Global return 0 records on main report, but it does show on the subreport.

    Subreport formula
    Global StringVar x := {IM_AliasItem.AliasItemNo};

    Main Report formula
    Global StringVar  x;
