Sage Estimating - cannot use "assembly, model or item takeoff".

When I open Timberline, and select the "takeoff" tab,  I cannot click on the "assembly, item and model takeoff" buttuns.   They are grayed out.   It cannot fix this.  Any suggestions on why I cannot click on these?  Seems like I have restricted access on this program.  I.T. says I have full access. 

Thank you in advance for your help. 

  • 0

    It would be interesting to know that for this estimate you have open that the database that created it is available.  Is this an older estimate or new?

    Make sure the I.T. wizards have made sure in estimating management console that the check box selected for allowing existing users to edit new estimates, assuming this is a new estimate?!?  and that you are in a security role that can allow takeoff, are you a new user?!?.

    And that you are logged on to your PC with the same credentials as your user setup in estimating management console.  Does everyone have no takeoff access to this estimate?

  • 0 in reply to Mike Orgler

    We have two  Databases from which we select.   The estimate was set up by another user and selected the correct database.   It is new estimate and I will check with I.T regarding the "checked box".  One thing to note is started 2 months ago with this yes a new user.  I have tried opening older estimates and have the same issue.  (permission needed to be granted in order for me to open the old estimates). 

    I log in with the credentials given to me...not sure if that answers you question.   It seems I am the only user in the company that cannot access the estimate tabs. 

    Thank you for responding!   

  • 0 in reply to Chris Adams

    Yeah so if you aren't selected as a user than can edit all estimates, or the setting is not checked that all users can edit all estimates, then your system is working correctly.  I.T. would need to make sure you are are given security to edit those older estimates

  • 0 in reply to Mike Orgler

    I.T. is looking at your recommendations.   Ill follow up, hopefully with a resolution!  Thank you.  

  • 0 in reply to Mike Orgler

    Mike -  you were right.  Thank for the advice

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