ODBC Query question.


I have to run several queries on SalesOrder and SalesOrderDetail in both current and history tables on a list of job status codes.

Processing the queries takes way too much time.

The status codes I am interested in start with a letter and end in two digits.

AND OldStatus in ('D01', 'D02',... 'D15'.  ,'L01', 'L02', ... 'L15')

Is there a way to create a query that doesn't need a complete list of status codes?

Does LIKE have parameters that could help me out here?

{AND OldStatus LIKE 'D%##' OR OldSatus LIKE 'L%##'    } ???


  • 0 in reply to Gruff

    Well you can do a compound WHERE clause using phrases like NOT or NOT LIKE, or even NOT(colA LIKE 'value' OR colB LIKE 'value') or just the <> operator (instead of != ). Obviously I have no idea of your full exclusion list but here are some variations that would limit the initial results:

    WHERE  (OldStatus LIKE 'D%' OR OldStatus LIKE 'L%') AND NOT (OldStatus='DRW' OR OldStatus='LQC')

    WHERE  (OldStatus LIKE 'D%' OR OldStatus LIKE 'L%') AND NOT (OldStatus LIKE 'D_W' OR OldStatus LIKE 'LQ_')

    WHERE  (OldStatus LIKE 'D%' OR OldStatus LIKE 'L%') AND OldStatus NOT LIKE 'D_W'

    Adjust as needed. Hope that helps.

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie
    verified answer

    Well I am back gentlemen.

    I found a query that will return what I want without a list of statuscodes.

    Unfortunately it only appears to be a few seconds faster than searching by a list of codes.

    WHERE {fn Len(TR.OldStatus)} = 3

    AND {fn Substring(TR.OldStatus,1,1)} IN ('D','L')

    AND {fn Ascii({fn Substring(TR.OldStatus,2,1)})} BETWEEN 48 AND 57

    AND {fn Ascii({fn Substring(TR.OldStatus,3,1)})} BETWEEN 48 AND 57

    OR TR.OldStatus = 'PRO'


    WHERE TR.OldStatus IN ('L01','L02','L03'...'L15','D01','D02','D03'...'D15','PRO')

    In my research I did find that ProvideX ODBC does support a CONVERT function.

    the bad news is that you have to make sure the text to convert to integer contains only numeric characters.

    Because I had to validate with the Ascii function first, Convert did not add much to the query so I ended up not including it.


    AND {fn CONVERT({fn Substring(TR.OldStatus,2,2)},SQL_INTEGER)} BETWEEN 1 AND 20

    Maybe it can help someone else in the future.

    I am giving up on the problem and sticking with the List method as I am not seeing much improvement in query speed.

    Thank you for all the help,