• Invoice register posting

    When trying to post A/P I rec'd the following "Warning" message: "The A/P posting date falls into a prior G/L period. You must change the accounting date or re-open the period in G/L." Since I am new to Sage 100, what does this mean? A co-worked was…
  • "The Module Code is Required" IM_PhysicalCountWrkst_rpt nSetKey()

    I'm trying to script against IM_PhysicalCountWrkst_rpt but keep getting "The Module Code is Required" when calling nSetKey(). Script sample is below. We are running Anyone have any suggestions on what to try? Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001…
  • Shipment packaging problems after updating to Sage ERP 2014 Update 4 (

    Hi Forum, Our shipping software' packaging logic fails after customers updated to Sage ERP 2014, due to the new Sage ERP Shipping Data Entry verification of packaged quantity to be matching shipped quantity. It is described in Sage release…