New Clients

We have timeslips installed on our network and six individual users.  I have added new clients in Sage on my machine and they're showing up on my drop down menus, but the other five users are not seeing these clients on their machines when they log in to sage.  Can anyone tell me how to ensure they get the same clients showing up on their machines as I do mine?


  • 0

    Sounds like you are all not looking at the same database.  Check the path to the database in the lower left corner of each of the machines.  They should all match.

    Hope this helps.  

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    Nancy Duhon, Esq.

    Master Certified Consultant for Timeslips,Certified Consultant for Amicus Attorney and Credenza

    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC

    a member of Certified Resources Network, LLC

    [email protected]


    Providing personalized local and remote online support for Timeslips users for over 20 years. Available for private consultations, including older/unsupported versions.

  • 0 in reply to Nancy Duhon

    That is what I was thinking as well, but I've been on their machines and ensured the correct db was open, but that didn't seem to help.  

  • 0 in reply to BHATTY

    Wonder if they are setup using MyLists for the client list. In that case, they might not see all clients when entering a slip. Right click on the client field and see if my list is checked. If it is, try clicking on all clients.

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    First, when you say you are sure everyone is in the same database, how do you know?  As Nancy said, if you open up the program on every machine, what is the database location in the lower left of the screen. They all have to be the same.

    Also, where are you NOT seeing the same list?  When you go to enter slips or when looking at the CLient List itself?