• November Current Depreciation is too high

    When I ran depreciation for November month end, it appears that the current depreciation is multiplied by seven on all reports. Acquired Value and Current Accum Depreciation are correct. Re-running it has made no difference, even when selecting "Force…
  • Assets not depreciating (amortizing) as expected

    Hello, We have intangible assets that are not depreciating properly in the final year of their life. At the end of the prior fiscal year, the NBV and depreciation amounts were correct. I closed the period, as usual, and ran depreciation in period…
  • Fixed Asset GL Account numbers

    I am setting up Fixed Assets 14.1. I have two companies that I am setting up. One of the companies that I set up I had to add some new Fixed Asset GL Account numbers. Those new account numbers did not show up in the fixed asset module. I thought maybe…