datetime$ with no :


I was wondering if there is a way to remove the : in datetime$. The reason why I want this removed is this because I am trying to export data to a text file and I want the file name for the text file to be datetime$, but windows won't let you create a file that has the character : in it. 

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  • 0 in reply to ChrisCC

    This is old but maybe my comment is useful for someone in the community. 

    I try this what Rod comment here, but when i used that formula the result was the actual time even if i replace the 'date$' for the date field on Sage. So, i tried something more 'manual' but it works for me.

    This is an example that i used for the BPC object: 

    format$("YYYY[-]MM[-]DD[T ]", [F:BPC]UPDDATTIM)+num$(val(format$("hh",[F:BPC]UPDDATTIM))-3)+':'+format$("mm",[F:BPC]UPDDATTIM)+':'+format$("ss",[F:BPC]UPDDATTIM)

    I use this formula in the GESAOP function, for the 'Properties' of the object.

  • 0 in reply to ChrisCC

    Hi ChrisCC, happy to see that the community helped you figure out a solution!Tada

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