USB Protection Devices in a Hyper-V VM


Is anyone using Hyper-V to host their Sage Estimating License Manager with the USB protection device?

From what I've found, Sage appears to take a decidedly hands-off approach to supporting the use of their software within VMs, especially when it comes to the dependence on their USB protection devices.  In short, if Microsoft cannot help us get the device recognized by the VM, then we are on our own and may have to resort to installing the License Manager on a physical server.  (Please Note:  I mention this to illustrate my understanding of our specific circumstances, NOT as a commentary about Sage, their support, and/or their software.)

Ideally, we would like to host our entire Sage Estimating system the same way we host the bulk of our high availability systems - in a Hyper-V cluster.  I am hoping there may be other companies out there using either a Hyper-V cluster or dedicated host for their USB protection device-dependent (License Manager) software.

Any information or guidance anyone can offer is much appreciated.

Thank you,
