Payroll - Formula to process payroll for an employee who is electing to have withholding for a state in which they are not working (no reciprocity available)

We have employees working in the state of Iowa.  Their state of residence is Minnesota. There is no reciprocity agreement in place between these two states.  The employees have requested that the we (employer) withhold additional funds each week for the state of MN.  These employees are then having both IA (state of work) and MN (elective deduction) withholding. The funds have been withheld and remitted to the state of Iowa as the employees requested.  However, the Aatrix reports for MN do not recognize the elective withholdings.  The MN withholding calculations are understated by the value of these elective MN withholdings.  Sage recommends that we void the affected checks, insert a formula to make it recognizable for Aatrix, and then rerun the checks with the new formula.  This process would not change any numbers. It would just make it properly calculate on the MN Qtrly report (and the W-2's in the future...).  We are prepared to do this process but we are missing the formula that is needed.  Is anyone familiar with the formula that the support desk is referring to?  We would really appreciate any feedback on this topic.  We are eager to find a solution before we have to remit the reports in the next couple of days. We are on Version 15.x Thank you, Ann

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    Please send me your customer information so that I can look up the case and provide you with the appropriate solution. It sounds like the setup was wrong, but you shouldn't need a formula to correct it. Problem being that you submitted the SWH for MN to IA, which how it should have been handled. When withholding for MN the funds withheld for MN should be remitted to MN.  Please email you Sage customer ID to me ([email protected]) and I will contact you after I have discussed further with some of my fellow Sr. Analysts and reviewed the support ticket associated with this issue.

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    Have you tried using the "Link" button in Aatrix?  A few years ago, we had a local tax that wasn't yet supported by Aatrix.  Here's a copy of my notes about that problem: 

    VERIFY LOCAL WAGES & TAXES – None appeared the first time. Had to start another trial run and at the beginning when you pick W-2/W-3 FORM and enter the YEAR, there is a LINK BUTTON WHICH YOU CAN USE TO Link KCMOT Wages and KCMOT Tax so they will print.