Credit Card Reconciliation Grid Sorting

Hi, I am looking at the credit card reconciliation and I have the grid open. I can't seem to figure out the logic to the order the transactions are sorted in, they don't seem to be by record, which would make the most sense to start off with. What I also can't figure out is if there is a way to change the way it sorts. I would like to be able to change the sort to have find the transaction I want to match quicker. In other sections of Sage, you just click the column header to change the sort, but not here. Am I missing something? This seems like something Sage should do, because we have a lot of credit card transactions each month and searching by eye seems very time consuming. Thanks in advance for any insight.

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    Aloha!  I believe the Credit Card reconciliation is sorting the transactions by date and not by record number.  Unfortunately, this particular screen does not give the ability to sort on any given column heading (wouldn't THAT make a great Enhancement Request!).   You could, however, use the Find function in any of the columns to locate items.  Right click on the first row of any column, select "Find", and type in what you'd like to search for.  You have the option of searching only the current column, or searching the entire grid.

    Hope this helps!

    Kathy Gotzenberg
    Construction Business Services