Upgraded user to windows 10, now macros can no longer print to PDF

After upgrading my computer to windows 10 all my macros are now useless.... Whenever a macro runs a report and goes to print I now get an "activation error, Printer not activated, error code -30"

I have tried re creating the macros entirely, uninstalling and reinstalling printer drivers, trying 3 different PDF printers (bluebeam, adobe and pdf creator) all not working. I am able to print reports like normal outside of macros but once i try to use the printer driver for a macro it breaks.

i cant find any documentation for what error code - 30 means, has anyone else experienced this issue or what to do about it?

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    We encountered the same thing and found that we needed to change a security setting for the AMYUNI TS PD Generator printer. Try the following:

    * Go to the properties of the AMYUNI TS PDF Generator printer and go to the security tab.
    * You should see a User called "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" with the following default permissions: Print, Manage Documents.
    * Put a check to allow "Manage this printer". Then "Apply" and "OK".

    Now try your macro to print to PDF.

    I assume that this security setting is needed because the software needs to send license information to the device because it is e developer class driver.

    If you try a test print from the printer settings, you encounter the error message. That is because it requires software to send information to it to function. Thus that is what the error code -30 means.