Notifications from Sage on Updates - Payroll Tax Update

Our owner received an email update Tuesday night regarding the 16-03 payroll tax update. Those of us doing payroll did not find out about the update until we were getting ready to start payroll Wednesday morning, So luckily we got it in on time. The owners will not always be in the office. I called Sage to see if there was a way to add another email to our account and the rep let me know we could only have the one email listed for emails like this. They said I would have to have the email switched to me as the primary email address to receive these. That would take call the rep back and forwarding an email from the owner to the rep to change the email.

Does anyone know of a way that we can have at least two or three people receive these notifications? That way if one of us is out, someone can perform the update. Any suggestions from any of you on similar situations?

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    I thought anyone added as a contact in Sage under your company's support agreement got these types of emails? I know I am the main contact on our support agreement but at least one other employee who is on the contact list also gets the same emails I get. You might want to check on that again. If that is not the case, you could create a distribution list if you use Exchange email and create an email address that forwards to multiple email addresses that need to receive the notifications. For example, you could create "[email protected]" to send to multiple email addresses. If you are unsure how to do this, contact whoever administers your company's email addresses to get this setup.