Inquiry font size 13.1

Hello All - We upgraded to 13.1 Rev 4 on Friday.  The workstations that have their font size (windows) set to 150% are not seeing that font size passed to the inquiry screen in Timberline.  However, like normal all other Timberline fonts are effected (icons larger/blury, menu text is larger). 

We followed the instructions on KB223422 and the TSFixed font is now properly installed, but this did not fix the issue.  Again 150% computer monitors only it seems like.

Anyone else have this issue?

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    Thank you for your post !

    I checked with some other resources on this issue. They confirmed that our developers test the software specifically with the 100% setting and currently do not test for any other Windows font sizes (I.e. 125%, 150%). We recommend keeping the font size setting to 100% to avoid any further text display issues.