Cash Management - CLOSED accounts reconcile


What is the best way to "reconcile" a CM bank account that is CLOSED and zero balance in GL but Bank Register shows balance on account? Just want to change status of entries to "Reconciled" so they will no longer appear in reports.

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  • 0 in reply to John M Jankowski
    verified answer


    One way to do this is to turn on a setting in Cash Management under File, Company Settings, CM Settings, "Override opening Balance in Reconcile." From there you can go to Tasks, Reconcile, enter a statement ending balance of 0.00, and reconcile all of the transactions. After everything is checked off, click the Statement button and make the opening balance the opposite of the Difference amount shown at the bottom of the reconcile.  This should allow you to finish the reconcile with a 0 balance.

    Let me know how it goes!

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