Can you create new assemblies? please help


I am taking off a project but there are plenty of wall types and materials that are not included in the existing assemblies. Is it possible to create a new assembly? Can anyone please answer this question it would be greatly appreciated 

  • 0

    Absolutely.  I've created many new assemblies.  Since you currently have assemblies, they must have been created by someone because I don't believe that there are assemblies already created for you as part of the estimating module.

  • 0 in reply to the todd group

    Click  on the Takeoff group of the Home tab and select the items to take off from the Item list.

    To save the items in the takeoff grid as an assembly:

    1. Select Database tab > Update Database group > Save As Assembly (in classic view, select Takeoff menu > Save As Assembly). The Adding Assembly window opens.

    2. Complete the fields at the top of the window.

      To save this assembly to the standard database, select Database.

      To save this assembly for use within this estimate only, select One-time.

      For more information, click  on the title bar of the window and then click a field or button.

    3. Review the items in the grid and make changes as needed.

      The calculation specified for each item determines how Sage Estimating calculates the item quantity.

      Check the calculation for each item to make sure it's appropriate for the use of the item in this assembly.

      Right-click any item row to use the editing options on the shortcut menu.

    4. When you finish setting up the assembly, click [OK] to save it; then click [Close].