Item substitution in Assemblies without losing exsiting selected formula

Currently using Estimating Extended Edition 9.8 (9.8.0 Rev 3 CD)

I am wanting to undertake the task of replacing several items in assemblies with one item.  Over the years there has been thought of one item for every formula, thus many, many items have been created and put into assemblies to match every formula created for that item.  The result is we have fifty or so "pumping" items in the database, and in turn, every one of those fifty "pumping" items has been used in different assemblies for each one of the different formulas used to get the result desired.

Is there a way to substitute an item in an assembly without losing the selected formula in the calculation column?


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    You can use Database Editor to change items in an assembly . If you have formulas that are all set to the different items, then changing the assemblies to use just one item may break your formulas.

    I may recommend contacting our support department to discuss possible workarounds or details of your setup. You can contact support at 1-800-551-8307. Thanks for your post!

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    You can use Database Editor to change items in an assembly . If you have formulas that are all set to the different items, then changing the assemblies to use just one item may break your formulas.

    I may recommend contacting our support department to discuss possible workarounds or details of your setup. You can contact support at 1-800-551-8307. Thanks for your post!

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