Looking for lessons learned when upgrading Server to 2016


I've read that current versions of BW run on Server 2016 and have even read the tips on preparing for move to a new server. All information is great.  It sounds like it should be smooth sailing. I'm just being overly cautious since I have to do a clean install of Server 2016. Our current server is running on 2008 so I cannot just upgrade or migrate. I'm looking at a clean install of Server 2016 then reinstalling BW 2017 (our current version).

Has anyone out there done this? Was there any struggles or unexpected issues that were solvable but unexpected? Would I be better off upgrading to 2018 before I upgrade the Server software?Upgrade to BW 2018 after the new server install? Essentially, I'd like to learn from other experiences before I tackle this.

Thanks for your insights. 


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    There technically are not any reported issues in our Knowledge Baser regarding W2016 or with running BW V2017 or later on W2016.  The only note about W2016 is that the server must be restarted after installing the Sage BusinessWorks product.    As far as BusinessWorks goes, it really does not matter if you upgrade to V2018 on your old server first, then move to the new server, or just do it on the new server.  Most customers will just install 2018 on the new server and upgrade at that time, so they are not installing v2018 twice (once on old server and second time on new server) to save them one step.

    Beside article #51648 How to move the current version of Sage BusinessWorks Accounting to a new server or location   there is also a video you can watch relating to this process #80087 Video: How to move the current version of Sage BusinessWorks Accounting to a new server or location  


    Coleen Graber

  • 0 in reply to Coleen Graber

    "There technically are not any reported issues" gives me the impression that some users have had some stumbles. It's those stumbles I'm wanting to know about so I might anticipate them. I've only upgraded 1 server prior to this and my anxiety is high, so I'm trying to do as much research as possible. Is there another location where I might post to get USER responses? Those are the responses I'm most interested in. I'm looking for lessons learned. Because this upgrade is going to happen, I just want to be as informed going in as I can. Minimize surprises (or try to).


  • +1 in reply to Heather@KauffmanBrands
    verified answer

    Heather - sorry if I mislead you on my answer.  There have been no reported issues with W2016.  As with most server installs, the server will need to be restarted after installing Sage BusinessWorks.  Other than that note, nothing has been reported to the Sage BusinessWorks team and nothing posted in our Knowledge Base.  In addition, Sage City is where users can respond to your questions as well.  So far, I would say no news is good news!   



  • 0 in reply to Coleen Graber

    Brilliant!  Now I just need to take a deep breath and execute the plan. Thanks!