Comments field in Order Number browse screen


I'm not looking at the comment line in order entry, but rather when you click the browse button beside order number the last column listed is called 'comments'. A client was asking me about it but I couldn't figure out how to actually put anything in there, how is this field used? 

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    verified answer

    Hi RandV

    The comments field you are looking at in the Browse button beside order number is not a field that is open for entries.  

    This field is used by Sage BusinessVision to show comments about the customer.  For example;  if they create an orderr where the customer is over their credit limit,  a message will appear in that field **Check credit**.  This message tells the user to look at the order details tabs of that order because the Present balance (Balance field) is over the amount of credit limit the customer is allowed.

    Therefore you cannot enter anything in that field.

    I hope this clears up your question about the comment field in the order number browser.

    thank you
