Inventory Summary - Unit Sales by month missing after year-end close



After we performed our Year-end Closing, most of the modules are working fine, except we found out that in inventory module, the Inventory Summary - Unit Sales by months are all gone.

We have tried to re-organize the inventory module but received the following error message:

An error has occurred while trying to access data.

Function: Reporting Suite

File description: Inventory

File name: Z:\SD\I.BTR

Status code: 000011

Any idea of which caused the problem?



  • 0
    verified answer

    Looks like you renamed your default inventory file to from invent.btr to I.btr, which means that you may be sharing inventory with more than one BV data company.

    If this is true then the re-org may not work since it is looking for invent.btr

  • 0
    verified answer

    Looks like you renamed your default inventory file to from invent.btr to I.btr, which means that you may be sharing inventory with more than one BV data company.

    If this is true then the re-org may not work since it is looking for invent.btr

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