sage 50 premium, how to re/print a purchase order/invoice

apparently you can't print a purchase invoice (I assume it's too difficult for the development team to duplicate the function that prints a sales invoice and add a few tweeks)

so I create a purchase order, I know I can print that - ah, but only until it's converted to a purchase invoice - then poof, my legally binding purchase order document is 'removed from the system' - so if I didn't print or lost the printed copy, I can't reprint it,  now what ?

and since I can't print a purchase invoice, I can't export anything to excel either

and I looked at all the payable reports, none will show the purchase order/invoice line details

so is there a workaround in Sage that will allow reprinting of purchase orders / invoices when required ?

  • 0

    Unknown said:
    apparently you can't print a purchase invoice (I assume it's too difficult for the development team to duplicate the function that prints a sales invoice and add a few tweeks)

    Actually, it is probably not all that difficult.  However, there is a rumour circulating that the real reason is the CRA expects you to have the vendor invoice in front of you to type it into the program, so there is no need to print it.

    Unknown said:
    so I create a purchase order, I know I can print that - ah, but only until it's converted to a purchase invoice - then poof, my legally binding purchase order document is 'removed from the system' - so if I didn't print or lost the printed copy, I can't reprint it,  now what ?

    Basically, you have the printed copy so it should not be an issue.  If you are running Quantum, or temporarily upgrade a copy of the file to Quantum, you can reprint the PO I believe.  I know you can see them on screen, I just haven't tried printing and don't have it open right now to test.  And yes, I do know this temporary upgrade idea is not an option for typical end users.

    Unknown said: is there a workaround in Sage that will allow reprinting of purchase orders / invoices when required ?

    Don't fully convert the PO to an invoice.  Then you will always have it available to print regardless of the file version you are using.

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    the original invoice that was entered can lost, would be nice to reprint

    printed PO's can be lost, nice to reprinted, nice to search for a given PO when the supplier called to confirm something

    how do I not fully convert the PO to an invoice, the dropdown says "convert the purchase order to a purchase invoice' and I don't see a checkbox to select which line(s) to convert

    and it will convert lines with a b/o quantity - so am I missing a way to convert some but not all PO lines to an invoice ?

  • 0 in reply to Roger L

    Unknown said:
    ...and it will convert lines with a b/o quantity - so am I missing a way to convert some but not all PO lines to an invoice ?

    Basically you leave one line with a backorder quantity.  That line does not have to have any dollars associated with it.

    I don't use the Convert drop-down on the orders to convert my orders, I just open the Purchase invoice screen and select the order from the list in the Order drop-down, but regardless, it leaves all your lines as backorders.  When you hit the red check mark to fill all backordered quantities (I assume you are doing this), then go to the line you wish to keep and delete the quantity out of the Quantity column and it will send it back to a backorder.

    As an aside, if you have a PO or SO that you are turning into an invoice, and then only need to invoice 2 of 10 lines, then only fill in the quantity of the two lines.  The rest stay on backorder and you can convert them to invoices later once you do the invoice for those line items.  You can also have 100 quantity of one item ordered, but only receive 25.  The other 75 of that line item stay on backorder until the time they are invoiced.

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

               ....the original invoice that was entered can lost, would be nice to reprint....

    Printing a purchase invoice from Sage would not be considered same as reprinting the original invoice and would not be considered by CRA for audits or even by accountants. If you lose an invoice then you would be best to get a replacement from the vendor.

    I myself see no purpose in being able to print a purchase invoice - however it would be nice if one could click on the invoice nbr to pull up a pdf copy of invoice to see the details.

  • 0 in reply to Smith and Co

    I also cannot see any accounting or audit purpose for printing a purchase invoice.  

    I can, however, see some specific operational uses for being able to quickly and easily print purchase information that has been entered onto the screen, onto paper.  

    As far as reprinting lost original purchase invoices, ask vendors for electronic invoices, and scan everything that comes in on paper.  Nobody but A/P gets to touch the originals.  Disk space is cheap, backups are important.

  • 0 in reply to RandyW

    One can always use the Snipping Tool to 'print' the purchase invoice for the details.

  • 0 in reply to Smith and Co

    That's true, they could do that, it would be more legible than the mechanic's hard copy!.

    My client would like to record Assemblies for equipment parts they rebuild.  They can't use a BOM, because the assembly costs and materials can vary.  They can't use Item Assembly, because they wouldn't have control over the assembly account, and can't add freight and supplies.  They could use an inventory adjustment.  None of these will print, and if a mistake is made they can't be automatically adjusted.  

    So they use a Purchase invoice to work around some of the limitations of the other possibilities, which also can't print.  We could make a query report that would print and format it all for them, but it would be nice to be able to just hit print...