CPP overpayments

In the PIER Report all but one employee had overpayment for CPP.  That employee was the only employee that had a full 26 pay period.  The other employees were either hired later in the year, or fired during the year, so the payperiods were anywhere between 20 down to 12.  As they worked solid weeks, that shouldn't have affected the rates.  All personal tax credits, federal and provincial are correct, and payperiods per year is set to 26, for all employees.  Only 3 of the employees had Christmas bonus, as did the one employee who's CPP worked out correctly.  Vacation pay is not retained for any employee. 

What could be the cause of the overpayments in CPP

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    The Sage payroll software (or most any payroll system) will allocate the CPP exemption at each pay, on the basis of the number of pay periods in the year.

    If the person was paid less than 26 times, they haven't been given their full income exemption for CPP for that year.

    The effect to the employer is that the employer is matching an amount of CPP that need not have been deducted.

    The cure is to run the PIER report before the end of the year or at the end of the employment term, and make the appropriate CPP adjustments.