Import sales orders from a csv file

Hi Forum,


I've trying to have this script working but i guess i need to post it to get help from you guys....

What i am trying to do is import sales orders from a csv file.  some orders have more than 1 line, most of them are single line.

i need to get the Customer Number doing a find by customer Name. Once i get the customer number i build the S/O header and lines. My goal is to have one script... i have one script that creates new customers and new ship to codes.  The S/O code will be appended to the other script, but that's a different story.

i cannot make it loop if the order has more than 1 line.


Here is the code... what's left of the code, i've been adding and deleting lines...


'Create ProvideX COM Object
Set oScript = CreateObject ("ProvideX.Script")

'The Init method must be the first method called
' Please remember to correct the MAS90\Home path
oScript.Init("C:\Sage Software\MAS 90\VERSION4.4.6\Mas90\home")

'The Session object must be the first MAS 90 object created
Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_Session")

mdate = oSession.sModuleDate
'sdate = oSession.sSystemDate
'ucode = oSession.sUserCode

' Set the user for the Session
r = oSS.nLogon()
If r=0 Then
	' Please remember to correct the username, password
	r = oss.nSetUser("im","metals")
End If

' Set the company, module date and module for the Session
r = oss.nsetcompany("FIT")
r = oSS.nSetDate("S/O",mdate)
r = oSS.nSetModule("S/O")

' Instantiate a Sales Order business object
oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("SO_SalesOrder_ui"))
Set o = oScript.NewObject("SO_SalesOrder_bus", oSS)

' Instantiate a AR_Customer business object
'Set oCust = oScript.NewObject("AR_Customer_bus, oSS)

'Open the CSV file

dim fs,objTextFile
set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim arrStr
set objTextFile = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Akatz\Fitness First\orders.csv")

Do while NOT objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
arrStr = split(objTextFile.ReadLine,",")
strOrderNo = arrstr(0)
strName = arrStr(1)
strPhone = arrStr(2)
strAddress1 = arrStr(12)
strAddress2 = arrStr(13)
strAddress3 = arrStr(14)
'strCity = arrStr(15)
'strState = arrStr(16)
strZip = arrStr(17)
strCountryCode = arrStr(18)
strItem = arrStr(3)
strQty = arrStr(4)
strPrice = arrStr(6)
'strFreight = arrStr(8)
strFreight = strFreight + arrStr(8)

'Read AR_Customer to find if Customer exists

retval = 0
name = ""
custExist = 0
ARDivisionNo = "00"

retval = oCust.nSetIndex("KNAME")
retval = oCust.nFind(strName)   ' this will fail
retval = oCust.nMoveNext()           ' go to next record
if Not(cBool(oCust.nEOF)) then
		retval = oCust.nGetValue("CustomerName$", name)
		if UCase(strName) = UCase(name) then
				custExist = 1
		end if
end if

If custExist = 1 then

' Create a new header record using the next available order number
OrderNo = ""
r = o.nGetNextSalesOrderNo(OrderNo)
r = o.nSetKey(OrderNo)
r = o.nSetValue("ARDivisionNo$", "00")
r = o.nSetValue("CustomerNo$", "0179854")
r = o.nSetValue("CustomerPONo$", "BUSOBJTST")

' Create a new line for the item and write to memory file

r = o.oLines.nAddLine()
r = o.oLines.nSetValue("ItemCode$", strItem)
r = o.oLines.nSetValue("WareHouseCode$", "000")
r = o.oLines.nSetValue("QuantityOrdered", strQty)
r = o.oLines.nSetValue("UnitPrice", strPrice)
r = o.oLines.nWrite()

' Write header and lines to disk
r = o.nSetValue("FreightAmt", strFreight)
r = o.nGetValue("NonTaxableAmt", nontax)
r = o.nSetValue("FreightAmt", freight)
r = o.nSetValue("DepositAmt",nontax+freight)
r = o.nWrite()

strFreight = 0

end if



Doing it this way creates and order per line read... there are orders with 2 o more lines, therefore i am creating 2 or 3 orders instead of 1 order with 2 or 3 lines...


Any suggestions?




  • I finally got it to work... kind of... goes thru the files ok and i can see the correct items and s/o numbers but it is not writting data to the mas90 tables....

    here is my code..:


    'Create ProvideX COM Object
    Set oScript = CreateObject ("ProvideX.Script")
    'The Init method must be the first method called
    ' Please remember to correct the MAS90\Home path
    oScript.Init("C:\Sage Software\MAS 90\VERSION4.4.6\Mas90\home")
    'The Session object must be the first MAS 90 object created
    Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_Session")
    mdate = oSS.sModuleDate
    'sdate = oSS.sSystemDate
    'ucode = oSS.sUserCode
    ' Set the user for the Session
    r = oSS.nLogon()
    If r=0 Then
    	' Please remember to correct the username, password
    	r = oss.nSetUser("im","metals")
    End If
    ' Set the company, module date and module for the Session
    r = oss.nsetcompany("FIT")
    r = oSS.nSetDate("S/O",mdate)
    r = oSS.nSetModule("S/O")
    msgbox "I am In"
    ' Instantiate a Sales Order business object
    oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("SO_SalesOrder_ui"))
    Set o = oScript.NewObject("SO_SalesOrder_bus", oSS)
    ' Instantiate a AR_Customer business object
    oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AR_Customer_ui"))
    Set oCust = oScript.NewObject("AR_Customer_bus", oSS)
    'Open the CSV file
    dim fs,objTextFile,objTextFileLine
    set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    dim arrStr,arrStrLines
    set objTextFile = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Akatz\Fitness First\orders.csv")
    set objTextFileLines = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Akatz\Fitness First\orders.csv")
    msgbox "CSV Files are opened"
    strHdrOrderNo = ""
    Do while NOT objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
    arrStr = split(objTextFile.ReadLine,",")
    strHdrOrderNo = arrStr(0)
    if strHdrOrderNo <> prevOrder then
    strOrderNo = arrStr(0)
    strName = arrStr(1)
    strPhone = arrStr(2)
    strAddress1 = arrStr(12)
    strAddress2 = arrStr(13)
    strAddress3 = arrStr(14)
    'strCity = arrStr(15)
    'strState = arrStr(16)
    strZip = arrStr(17)
    strCountryCode = arrStr(18)
    'Read AR_Customer
    msgbox "Let's read the Customer"
    retval = 0
    name = ""
    custExist = 0
    OrderNo = ""
    prevOrder = ""
    CustAdd1 = ""
    CustCity = ""
    CustCustNo = ""
    ARDivisionNo = "00"
    retval = oCust.nSetIndex("KNAME")
    retval = oCust.nFind(strName)   ' this will fail
    retval = oCust.nMoveNext()           ' go to next record
    if Not(cBool(oCust.nEOF)) then
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("CustomerName$", name)
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("CustomerNo$", CustCustNo)
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("Address1$", CustAdd1)
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("City$", CustCity)
    		if UCase(strName) = UCase(name) then
    				custExist = 1
    		end if
    end if
    msgbox "Customer Exists ?: " & custExist & " " & name
    If custExist = 1 then
    msgbox "Customer: " & CustCustNo & " " & name & "-" & strName & " " & CustAdd1 & " " & CustCity
    ' Create a new header record using the next available order number
    OrderNo = ""
    r = o.nGetNextSalesOrderNo(OrderNo)
    r = o.nSetKey(OrderNo)
    r = o.nSetValue("ARDivisionNo$", "00")
    r = o.nSetValue("CustomerNo$", CustCustNo)
    r = o.nSetValue("Comment$", strHdrOrderNo)
    prevOrder = strHdrOrderNo
    ' Create a new line for the item and write to memory file
    Do while NOT objTextFileLines.AtEndOfStream
    arrStrLines = split(objTextFileLines.ReadLine,",")
    LinesOrderNo = arrStrLines (0)
    strItem = arrStrLines (3)
    strQty = arrStrLines (4)
    strPrice = arrStrLines (6)
    'strFreight = arrStrLines (8)
    strFreight = strFreight + arrStrLines (8)
    if LinesOrderNo = strHdrOrderNo then
    r = o.oLines.nAddLine()
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("ItemCode$", strItem)
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("WareHouseCode$", "000")
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("QuantityOrdered", strQty)
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("UnitPrice", strPrice)
    r = o.oLines.nWrite()
    msgbox "Amazon Order Number is: " & LinesOrderNo & " " & strItem
    end if
    msgbox "Finished Looping Amazon #: " & strHdrOrderNo
    ' Write header and lines to disk
    r = o.nSetValue("FreightAmt", strFreight)
    r = o.nGetValue("NonTaxableAmt", nontax)
    r = o.nSetValue("FreightAmt", freight)
    r = o.nSetValue("DepositAmt",nontax+freight)
    r = o.nWrite()
    msgbox "Writting S/O Number: " & OrderNo
    strFreight = 0
    end if
    'Close CSV file
    set objTextFileLines = Nothing
    set fs = Nothing
    'Open the CSV file
    'dim fs,objTextFileLine
    set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'dim arrStrLines
    set objTextFileLines = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Akatz\Fitness First\orders.csv")
    end if
    set objTextFile = Nothing
    set fs = Nothing



    Any suggestons...?




  • I finally got it to work... kind of... goes thru the files ok and i can see the correct items and s/o numbers but it is not writting data to the mas90 tables....

    here is my code..:


    'Create ProvideX COM Object
    Set oScript = CreateObject ("ProvideX.Script")
    'The Init method must be the first method called
    ' Please remember to correct the MAS90\Home path
    oScript.Init("C:\Sage Software\MAS 90\VERSION4.4.6\Mas90\home")
    'The Session object must be the first MAS 90 object created
    Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_Session")
    mdate = oSS.sModuleDate
    'sdate = oSS.sSystemDate
    'ucode = oSS.sUserCode
    ' Set the user for the Session
    r = oSS.nLogon()
    If r=0 Then
    	' Please remember to correct the username, password
    	r = oss.nSetUser("im","metals")
    End If
    ' Set the company, module date and module for the Session
    r = oss.nsetcompany("FIT")
    r = oSS.nSetDate("S/O",mdate)
    r = oSS.nSetModule("S/O")
    msgbox "I am In"
    ' Instantiate a Sales Order business object
    oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("SO_SalesOrder_ui"))
    Set o = oScript.NewObject("SO_SalesOrder_bus", oSS)
    ' Instantiate a AR_Customer business object
    oSEC = oSS.nSetProgram(oSS.nLookupTask("AR_Customer_ui"))
    Set oCust = oScript.NewObject("AR_Customer_bus", oSS)
    'Open the CSV file
    dim fs,objTextFile,objTextFileLine
    set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    dim arrStr,arrStrLines
    set objTextFile = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Akatz\Fitness First\orders.csv")
    set objTextFileLines = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Akatz\Fitness First\orders.csv")
    msgbox "CSV Files are opened"
    strHdrOrderNo = ""
    Do while NOT objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
    arrStr = split(objTextFile.ReadLine,",")
    strHdrOrderNo = arrStr(0)
    if strHdrOrderNo <> prevOrder then
    strOrderNo = arrStr(0)
    strName = arrStr(1)
    strPhone = arrStr(2)
    strAddress1 = arrStr(12)
    strAddress2 = arrStr(13)
    strAddress3 = arrStr(14)
    'strCity = arrStr(15)
    'strState = arrStr(16)
    strZip = arrStr(17)
    strCountryCode = arrStr(18)
    'Read AR_Customer
    msgbox "Let's read the Customer"
    retval = 0
    name = ""
    custExist = 0
    OrderNo = ""
    prevOrder = ""
    CustAdd1 = ""
    CustCity = ""
    CustCustNo = ""
    ARDivisionNo = "00"
    retval = oCust.nSetIndex("KNAME")
    retval = oCust.nFind(strName)   ' this will fail
    retval = oCust.nMoveNext()           ' go to next record
    if Not(cBool(oCust.nEOF)) then
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("CustomerName$", name)
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("CustomerNo$", CustCustNo)
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("Address1$", CustAdd1)
    		retval = oCust.nGetValue("City$", CustCity)
    		if UCase(strName) = UCase(name) then
    				custExist = 1
    		end if
    end if
    msgbox "Customer Exists ?: " & custExist & " " & name
    If custExist = 1 then
    msgbox "Customer: " & CustCustNo & " " & name & "-" & strName & " " & CustAdd1 & " " & CustCity
    ' Create a new header record using the next available order number
    OrderNo = ""
    r = o.nGetNextSalesOrderNo(OrderNo)
    r = o.nSetKey(OrderNo)
    r = o.nSetValue("ARDivisionNo$", "00")
    r = o.nSetValue("CustomerNo$", CustCustNo)
    r = o.nSetValue("Comment$", strHdrOrderNo)
    prevOrder = strHdrOrderNo
    ' Create a new line for the item and write to memory file
    Do while NOT objTextFileLines.AtEndOfStream
    arrStrLines = split(objTextFileLines.ReadLine,",")
    LinesOrderNo = arrStrLines (0)
    strItem = arrStrLines (3)
    strQty = arrStrLines (4)
    strPrice = arrStrLines (6)
    'strFreight = arrStrLines (8)
    strFreight = strFreight + arrStrLines (8)
    if LinesOrderNo = strHdrOrderNo then
    r = o.oLines.nAddLine()
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("ItemCode$", strItem)
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("WareHouseCode$", "000")
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("QuantityOrdered", strQty)
    r = o.oLines.nSetValue("UnitPrice", strPrice)
    r = o.oLines.nWrite()
    msgbox "Amazon Order Number is: " & LinesOrderNo & " " & strItem
    end if
    msgbox "Finished Looping Amazon #: " & strHdrOrderNo
    ' Write header and lines to disk
    r = o.nSetValue("FreightAmt", strFreight)
    r = o.nGetValue("NonTaxableAmt", nontax)
    r = o.nSetValue("FreightAmt", freight)
    r = o.nSetValue("DepositAmt",nontax+freight)
    r = o.nWrite()
    msgbox "Writting S/O Number: " & OrderNo
    strFreight = 0
    end if
    'Close CSV file
    set objTextFileLines = Nothing
    set fs = Nothing
    'Open the CSV file
    'dim fs,objTextFileLine
    set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'dim arrStrLines
    set objTextFileLines = fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Akatz\Fitness First\orders.csv")
    end if
    set objTextFile = Nothing
    set fs = Nothing



    Any suggestons...?




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