Please help! KnowledgeSync Linked Queries getting only one row back

oy vey, I thought I knew this sort of software well but I was clearly wrong....

I'm using 2 queries in an event like below. 

  1. First Query - gets a list of new orders that contains CustomerNo and the email address of the user who created the orders. 
  2. Second Query - gets a list of backorder detail lines, for the CustomerNo obtained in the first query result.
  3. Emailing - Using the email address from the 1st query, and email and notify the order takers all backorder item lines for the customerNo.

Simple right?  But the event always returns only 1row from the 2nd query in the email.  Which row it will return depends on the sort field in the 2nd query.  Please point out what I'm doing wrong.....

The test email body is composed like below.


SO#, ItemCode, QtyBackordered, {END*REPEAT}

In my test environment, I set it up so that the 1st query will return only one record, while the 2nd query will always return 2 records.  The interesting thing is this test environment....If I change the query 2 filter to use the actual expected result from the query 1 instead of the linked column name, I get all the rows back.   (i.e. CustomerNo "is equal to 'CUSTOMERx'" instead of CustomerNo "is equal to 'CustomerNo_LinkedColumn'").  But as soon as the queries are linked, only 1 row gets back....

I'm totally lost....any help is greatly appreciated!!