HELP: How to write to a UDF in the IM_ItemCost

I created UDF_EXP_DATE in the IM_ItemCost file to go along with the serial number.

Below is a sample code to populate UDF_EXP_DATE in an existing cost layer.


I believe I am almost there but something is wrong and I can't find it.  Please help!

Here is the code:


Dim RetVal AsInteger

Dim oScript As

New ProvideX.Script

Dim oSS As ProvideX.PvxDispatch

oScript =New ProvideX.Script


oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_SESSION")

oSS.nSetUser("Ibelin", "123")



oSS.nSetDate("I/M", "20130423")


Dim ic1 As ProvideX.PvxDispatchDim ic2 As ProvideX.PvxDispatch


ic1 = oScript.NewObject("CI_ItemCode_bus", oSS)

ic2 = oScript.NewObject("IM_ItemCost_bus", oSS)

RetVal = ic1.nSetKeyValue("ItemCode$", "ABC 0045")

RetVal = ic1.nSetKey()

RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("ItemCode$", "ABC 0045") 'ItemNo

RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("WarehouseCode$", "001") 'Warehouse

RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("TierType$", "3") '3 for Lot Number

RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("GroupSort$", "4444") 'Lot Number

RetVal = ic2.nSetKey()

RetVal = ic2.nSetValue("UDF_EXP_DATE$", "20131231") 'Try to Change udf value

RetVal = ic2.nWrite()  'Here retVal = 0    :smileysad:

If RetVal = 0 Then

MessageBox.Show(sender.sLastErrorMsg) 'Error here is: Module B/M is not on File

end if



  • I solved.  It turned out that my ItemCode was wrong.  Also a few lines were not needed:


    Dim RetVal As Integer
    Dim oScript As New ProvideX.Script
    Dim oSS As ProvideX.PvxDispatch
    oScript = New ProvideX.Script
    oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_SESSION")
    oSS.nSetUser("Ibelin", "123")
    oSS.nSetDate("I/M", "20130423")
    Dim ic2 As ProvideX.PvxDispatch
    ic2 = oScript.NewObject("IM_ItemCost_bus", oSS)

    RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("ItemCode$""ABC 00405")

    RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("WarehouseCode$""001")

    RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("TierType$""3")

    RetVal = ic2.nSetKeyValue("GroupSort$""4444")

    RetVal = ic2.nSetKey()
    RetVal = ic2.nSetValue("UDF_EXP_DATE$", "20131231")
    RetVal = ic2.nWrite()

    ic2 = Nothing
    oSS = Nothing
    oScript = Nothing